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更新時間:2024-09-24 16:56:29 人氣指數:

What is the English translation of "recommend"?

"Recommend" in English means to suggest or endorse something or someone to others based on your own positive experience or knowledge. It is a verb that is commonly used to express approval or a favorable opinion about someone or something.

How is "recommend" used in a sentence?

Here are a few examples of how "recommend" can be used:

  1. "I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy novels."
  2. "My friend recommended this restaurant for its delicious food."
  3. "The teacher recommended John for the leadership position because of his excellent communication skills."

What are some synonyms for "recommend"?

Some synonyms for "recommend" include:

  • suggest
  • advise
  • endorse
  • propose
  • promote
  • encourage

Why is it important to recommend things?

Recommending things can be important for several reasons:

  1. Helping others: By recommending something you have found valuable or enjoyable, you can help others discover and benefit from it as well.
  2. Building trust: When you recommend something, it shows that you have confidence in its quality or value, which can help build trust with others.
  3. Creating connections: Recommending something can also help create connections between people who share similar interests or preferences.
  4. Supporting others: Recommending someone for a job or a position can show your support for them and help them advance in their career.

Can you recommend any books, movies, or restaurants?

While I don"t have personal preferences, here are some popular recommendations in different categories:

  • Books: "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling, "1984" by George Orwell.
  • Movies: "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", "Inception".
  • Restaurants: "Noma" in Copenhagen, "Osteria Francescana" in Modena, "El Celler de Can Roca" in Girona.


Recommendations play an important role in sharing experiences and opinions about various things. Whether it"s a book, movie, restaurant, or even a person, recommending something can help others make informed choices and discover new things to enjoy. So, don"t hesitate to recommend something you truly believe in!



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