What is the meaning of "wonderful" in English?
"Wonderful" is an adjective in English that describes something or someone as extremely pleasing, remarkable, or excellent. It is used to express admiration, amazement, or delight.
How is "wonderful" pronounced in English?
The word "wonderful" is pronounced as /?w?nd?r?f?l/ in English. The stressed syllable is "won" and the secondary stress falls on the syllable "der". The "ful" at the end is pronounced as "f?l".
What are some synonyms of "wonderful"?
There are several synonyms for the word "wonderful" in English, such as fantastic, marvelous, amazing, splendid, excellent, magnificent, and extraordinary.
Can you provide examples of how to use "wonderful" in a sentence?
1. The vacation in Hawaii was absolutely wonderful. We enjoyed the beautiful beaches and stunning sunsets.
2. The singer"s performance was wonderful. She captivated the audience with her powerful voice and emotive delivery.
3. Thank you for the wonderful gift. It was so thoughtful and made my day.
4. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtakingly wonderful. It was like being on top of the world.
What is the opposite of "wonderful"?
The opposite of "wonderful" is "awful" or "terrible." While "wonderful" denotes something positive and extraordinary, "awful" or "terrible" signifies something negative or of poor quality.
Can "wonderful" be used to describe people?
Yes, "wonderful" can be used to describe people. When referring to a person, it implies that the individual possesses exceptional qualities or demonstrates remarkable behavior.
Is there any cultural significance associated with the word "wonderful"?
No, there is no specific cultural significance associated with the word "wonderful." However, the concept of wonder and appreciation for extraordinary experiences or individuals is universal and transcends cultural boundaries.
Is "wonderful" commonly used in everyday conversations?
Yes, "wonderful" is a commonly used word in everyday conversations. It is frequently utilized to express excitement, happiness, or satisfaction. People often use it to describe positive experiences, events, or things.
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