What follows the verb "practice"?
Practice is a versatile verb that can be followed by various types of words and phrases. Let"s explore the different possibilities:
1. Practice + a specific skill or activity
You can use "practice" followed by a specific skill or activity to indicate the action of honing or improving that skill or activity. For example:
- I practice playing the piano every day to improve my skills.
- She practices speaking English with a language tutor.
2. Practice + a gerund (-ing) form
Gerunds, which are the -ing form of verbs used as nouns, can also follow "practice" to indicate the action of engaging in a particular activity. For example:
- They practice swimming in the community pool every weekend.
- We should practice studying regularly to achieve our academic goals.
3. Practice + a preposition + the noun form
You can also use "practice" followed by a preposition and a noun to describe a specific action. Here are a few examples:
- The team practices under the guidance of a professional coach.
- He practices by following the instructions in the textbook.
4. Practice + prepositional phrases
Prepositional phrases can follow "practice" to indicate the context or manner in which the action is performed. Here are a few examples:
- She practices in front of the mirror to improve her public speaking skills.
- The band practices in the garage to avoid disturbing the neighbors.
5. Practice + an adverb
In some cases, an adverb can directly follow "practice" to modify the action. Here are a few examples:
- They diligently practice for their upcoming performance.
- He often practices alone to focus on his technique.
6. Practice + object
Finally, "practice" can also take a direct object to specify what is being practiced. For example:
- She practices her dance routine before every recital.
- He needs to practice the presentation before delivering it to the client.
Remember, the choice of what follows "practice" depends on the context and the specific action or skill you are referring to. Whether you use a noun, gerund, preposition, or adverb will vary based on what you want to communicate. So, keep practicing the correct usage of "practice" to improve your language skills!
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