What does "recognize" mean in English?
"Recognize" is a verb in the English language that is used to describe the act of identifying or acknowledging something or someone. It can also mean to perceive or be aware of something, or to acknowledge the existence or validity of something.
How is "recognize" commonly used in English?
1. Recognize can be used to refer to the act of identifying someone or something based on prior knowledge or familiarity. For example, "I recognized her from the photo we saw earlier." 2. It can also be used to express acknowledging the achievements or qualities of someone or something. For instance, "The company recognized his hard work by promoting him to a higher position." 3. Recognize can be used to describe the act of accepting or acknowledging the existence or validity of an idea, belief, or fact. For example, "We must recognize the importance of climate change and take action." 4. In legal contexts, recognize can refer to a formal acknowledgment or acceptance of legal rights or obligations. For instance, "The court recognized her as the legal guardian of the child." 5. Recognize can also mean to be familiar with or remember someone or something from past experiences. For example, "I recognize this restaurant. I"ve been here before."
How do you translate "recognize" into English?
"Recognize" can be translated into English as "認識" (rènshí), "識別" (shíbié), "承認" (chéngrèn), "鑒別" (jiànbié), or "確認" (quèrèn) among others, depending on the specific context in which it is used.
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