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更新時間:2023-11-27 18:27:04 人氣指數:

What does "third" mean?

"Third" is a term commonly used to refer to the number three in a sequence. It can be an ordinal number, indicating the position in a series, or it can be used as an adjective to describe something that comes after the second and before the fourth.

How is "third" used in different contexts?

In sports, "third" often refers to the team or player ranking third in a competition. For example, in a racing event, the driver who finishes in third place on the podium is considered the third-place finisher. In soccer, the third position on the league table indicates the team"s ranking in terms of points accumulated.

"Third" can also be used to describe a division or segment within a whole. For instance, in music, the third movement of a symphony refers to a specific part of the composition. In a book, the third chapter signifies the section of the story that follows the second chapter.

What are some common expressions or idioms using the word "third"?

There are several idiomatic expressions that include the word "third." For example, "third time"s the charm" suggests that after two failed attempts, success is more likely to be achieved on the third try. Another expression, "the third wheel," refers to a person who is unwanted or unnecessary in a social situation, often feeling like they are interfering with a couple or a close-knit group.

Furthermore, "third-rate" is an adjective used to describe something of low quality or inferior standards. It is often used to criticize or belittle something or someone.

What are some notable examples of the use of "third"?

One famous example is the "third rock from the sun," which refers to Earth as the third planet in our solar system. This phrase is often used poetically or nostalgically to describe our home planet and its significance in the universe.

In literature, "The Third Man" is a well-known novella written by Graham Greene that was later adapted into a critically acclaimed film. The story revolves around the mysterious death of Harry Lime, the "third man," in post-World War II Vienna.


Overall, the term "third" carries various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Whether it denotes a position, a division, or is part of an idiom, the word "third" adds depth and nuance to our language and understanding of numerical sequences.



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