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當前位置:主頁 > 網站目錄 > 西井科技完成與和記港口旗下英國菲力斯杜港超百輛Q-Truck簽約,助力碼頭成為“智慧綠色港口的全球先行者”


更新時間:2023-11-01 14:36:08 人氣指數:

Westwell and Hutchison Ports Port of Felixstowe Have Signed A Contract to Introduce over 100 Q-Trucks at the Port of Felixstowe, Spearheading Sea Port Smart and Green Operation with Autonomous Driving and Electric Trucks

2023年6月2日,中國香港,場景化新能源自動駕駛的全球領導者上海西井科技股份有限公司(簡稱:西井科技WESTWELL)與和記港口菲力斯杜港 Felixstowe 正式簽署新增100輛新能源智能無人駕駛卡車Q-Truck的協議。雙方將在英國菲力斯杜港 Felixstowe 打造迄今為止最大規模的新能源無人駕駛商用車隊,并部署綠色智能能源換電服務,繼續深化無人駕駛技術在全球集裝箱港口的商業應用以及價值探索。

Westwell is a global leader in scene-based new energy autonomous driving, On June 2, 2023, it has signed an agreement with Hutchison Ports Port of Felixstowe in Hong Kong China, for an additional 100 battery-powered autonomous Q-Trucks developed by Westwell. At the Port of Felixstowe, both parties will collaborate to build the largest electric autonomous commercial vehicle fleet to date, and build battery-swapping infrastructures and related services to support the operation of the fleet. By doing so, the two parties will further advance the commercial application and value exploration of autonomous driving technology in global container ports.



Since 2018, Westwell has initiated in-depth collaboration with Hutchison Ports to introduce autonomous Q-Trucks to the daily commercial operation of Terminal D in Laem Chabang Port, Thailand, facilitating it to become the first smart port in the world under mixed mode operation between manned and unmanned internal traffic.

Throughout its development, Westwell has always maintained a "clients first" approach, leveraging its technological advantages in AI and autonomous driving, along with its robust ecosystem within the industry chain, to consistently iterate on its products and services. Through a comprehensive operational solution that encompasses complete vehicles, piloting systems, and V2X infrastructures, Westwell collaborate with Hutchison Ports, has successfully established a global benchmark for efficiency, safety, and sustainability in port operations.



Figure : Q-Truck in Port of Felixstowe





As the first international port in Europe to introduce autonomous trucks to mixed traffic container terminal operations, Hutchison Ports Port of Felixstowe is strategically located on the UKs South East coast and within easy reach of major ports in North West continental Europe. As the UKs first purpose-built container-handling facility, it is also the largest and busiest container port in the country. With three rail terminals, it also has the busiest and biggest intermodal rail freight facility in the UK. The latest phase of development, Berths 8&9, provides additional deep-water capacity for the world’s largest container ships.  

By integrating innovative technologies of "intelligence and new energy", Hutchison Ports aims to build the Port of Felixstowe into a world class smart port that combines efficiency, automation, and sustainability, strengthening its presence in Europe.



Q-Truck, signed in this contract, is Westwell"s first globally self-developed intelligent swappable battery-powered unmanned commercial vehicle. It disruptively removes the driver cabin and can be applied to multiple scenarios including sea, land and air ports, factories, etc., promoting clients" operation efficiency and empowering them with sustainable productivity. 




Established in 2015, Westwell is a global AI company and a leading electrified autonomous driving company. Westwell is committed to activating the potential of various industries through artificial intelligence, and pioneering the global intelligent services. Centering on intelligence and green low-carbon solutions, Westwell has made continuous effort in breaking the front line of technology and elevating client’s value. Westwell’s products and services cover most freight logistics scenarios, such as seaports, dry ports, manufacturing plants, spanning 160-plus clients in 18 countries and regions around the world.



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